Honor the Lord with your wealth.

Proverbs 3:9 NIV

This page summarizes the way you can give to the mission and ministries of your Southern Baptist church, the Montana Southern Baptist Convention, and Baptist Foundation of Montana.

As Jesus illustrated in the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-30, our responsibility is to be a good steward of the time, talent, and treasure we have been entrusted with to advance his Kingdom.

Methods of Giving

Stocks & Securities

This can be especially beneficial to the donor if these have appreciated in value of the stock or security on your tax return.

Life Insurance

Designate us as the beneficiary to the face amount or to the annual dividends.

Retirement Plan Assets

If you feel you have more funds than will be needed to provide for the future economic well-being of you and loved ones a gift of this excess can make sense. This can be done either immediately by direct distribution or be designating us as a beneficiary upon your passing. Another method is to make use of the required minimum distribution requirement to give annually through the qualified charitable contribution.

Real Estate or Tangible Property

This transfer may be made immediately or upon your passing and you may retain the use of the property, subject to payment of taxes and upkeep, while still receiving any income it may generate. Significant tax benefits may be enjoyed.

Charitable Gift Annuities and Charitable Remainer Trusts

These vehicles provide income while the annuitant(s) are alive and a gift to BFM on their passing. Tax savings may also be realized.

All of these gifts may be made on an undesignated basis to be used for general church missions and ministries. They may also be designated for certain uses such as international missions, capital projects, or starting new churches. This restriction may be either temporary or permanent.

Many of these gifts could have significant tax and economic consequences so it is always advisable to consult your attorney, accountant, and financial planner.

Giving priority should be to tithe and give to your local church first and then to Montana Southern Baptist Convention and Baptist Foundation of Montana as you are prayerfully able and led.