The Foundation is the trust agency of Montana Southern Baptist Convention and has full legal authority to carry out the program assigned to it.

The foundation was created to serve the Convention and its institutions. However, it has no control over these institutions. It is independent of the causes it serves, but is totally committed to their best interests.

The purpose of the Foundation is to receive, invest, manage, and distribute monies and/or properties given for the support of any institution, cause, or agency related directly or indirectly to the Montana Southern Baptist Convention. It serves any person who wishes to contribute money, stocks, bonds, or property to any Baptist Institution under will, trust, or annuity. Trusts and annuities usually provide the grantor with a charitable deduction plus an income for a specific number of years or for life. The income may be designated to a person or persons other than the grantor.

Honor the Lord with your wealth…

Proverbs 3:9 NIV